Ginisang Ampalaya with Egg (Sautéed Bitter Melon) Recipe

Ginisang Ampalaya with Egg Recipe or Sautéed Bitter Melon is a very simple dish with very high nutrients content, which is also good for those who are diabetic.

Bitter melon is best known for antidiabetic effects. It contains a chemical known as insulin-like peptide that is similar in shape and function to animal-produced insulin. This ampalaya may also have blood-sugar lowering effects.

Ampalaya is one of my favorite vegetable even its bitter taste. Try this simple and yummy taste for a healthy life.

Laing Recipe (Taro Leaves with Coconut Milk)

Laing Recipe, also known as Ginataang Gabi is equally famous and tasty as the Bicol Express. The dish’s main ingredients are taro stem and leaf cooked in coconut milk and shrimp paste. It is also heavily spiced with red hot chilies. In other provinces especially in Northern and Central  Luzon, they add freshwater snails (susong pilipit) or Kuhol (escargot) as substitute.